JOIN MAILING COMMUNITY HERE! Updates, Specials & Information to REMEMBER who you TRULY are....

JOIN MAILING COMMUNITY HERE! Updates, Specials & Information to REMEMBER who you TRULY are....

Hey there,

I’m Natasha!

I help you reconnect with the powerful wisdom and gifts you innately possess within. Through quantum energy healing, mentorship and channeling, I guide you in accessing your spiritual DNA, unlocking the ancient wisdom stored in your being, and tapping into your infinite human potential.

My work is grounded in the deep connection between Earth and Aether, blending the material and the mystical to help you stand fully in your sovereignty. I believe that true empowerment comes from remembering who you are, why you’re here, and what purpose you are meant to fulfill.

Together, we will awaken your spiritual gifts, heal the layers that hold you back, and amplify your ability to create the reality you desire. By accessing the wisdom of both your higher self and the Earth, you will step into a new level of mastery and leadership.

This is your time to reclaim your power, ascend to new heights of consciousness, and embody the full expression of your soul's potential.

Are you ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and transformation?


“ Thank you so much! I am feeling so self empowered, inspired and excited to get my work out there. You are born for this job and without you I feel I would have been stuck for a lot longer in overwhelm and fear.

Working with you has shifted my perspective to remove imposter syndrome and help people. Never ever stop doing this work. Your support has been everything to me. Thank you for showing the rest of us how we can step into our power too.”

Podcast Interviews

Soul Inspired Podcast with Joe Borowsky

Interstellar Chats with Carlene Saelg

JeffMara Podcast

Tia Renee Podcast

PositiviTea Podcast

Private Coaching

Unlocking Ancient + Esoteric Wisdom for Healers Ready to Embrace New Earth Healing Frequencies

Are you someone seeking to deepen your healing practice or just tap into ancient wisdom for your own healing and transformation?

My private coaching experience is designed for people like you, ready to unlock your true infinite human potential that may be dormant and embrace New healing technology with the power of amplified wisdom and spiritual technology.

We are in a time where the planet is being upgraded and we need to stay on the leading edge of healing and attunement for the shift of humanity. Maybe you already have an amazing practice and helping lots of people but you feel there is more that you can tap into.

I want to show you how to access your past to unlock more of your magic you brought through in this lifetime, how to channel and intuit like the well known leaders right now, how to master your energy to be able to give more, access your own divine guidance + wisdom, and help your clients on a more profound level.

What you get :

  • Initial 90 minute get-to-know-you call

  • One-on-one guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals

  • Ongoing support and accountability via email and voxer

  • Fortnightly 90 minute deep dive calls via zoom

    (or in person if on the Gold Coast)

Ready to Amplify Your Impact?

Book A 20 minute Discovery Call with me today.

“ Tash brings her deep wisdom, spiritual energy and compassionate heart into every interraction. I can’t recommend her enough! And I do all of the time. “

“You are the most divine and sovereign beings, but so many of you do not know it or believe it. This is where the world is asleep. However, many are waking up to learn this information so they can become empowered.”

- ‘Shakanda’ the Pleiadian collective

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